Through our donations the IM PTSA is able to yearly provide Staff Grants to help aid our IMS staff with the ability to purchase additional resources to enhance the learning experience.  We have also been able to approve many All-School Grant requests to support school incentives, science classroom needs, and much more. 

Staff Grants - FORM

Staff must follow the below guidelines before applying for a Staff Grant.  

  1. Any staff member who requests an individual grant should be a member of the PTSA.
  2. All staff grant applications will be accepted from December 1 - April 1 of any school year.
  3. All staff will fill out an online form or send an email that contains the form information along with digital attachments to the receipt(s).
  4. Bundling of staff grants requires prior approval from the PTSA President and Treasurer.
  5. Requests larger than an individual’s allotment should be requested as an All-School grant (all-school grants do not cover standard classroom or office items).
  6. Items purchased should be resources to enhance the learning experience.

Process for Staff Grants

  1. Purchase items to help in enhancing the learning experience. 
  2. Submit receipt and complete form
  3. The Treasurer will review the grant request and if approved, provide a check to you.  

All-School Grants - FORM

The PTSA will consider any item, program, or activity that is compatible with our mission and will review applications considering at least the following criteria: '

  • Does it foster student learning?
  • Does it strengthen our school community?
  • Does it reach a large number of students and/or target an underserved population?
  • Will it have a long-term impact?
  • Does it align with IMS building goals?
  • Is IM PTSA the most appropriate funding source?

Process for All-School Grants: 

  1. Fully complete the application form.
  2. The grant will be sent to the Principal who will confirm its feasibility and consider other available funding sources, if any.  
  3. Once the Principal confirms and approves the grant proposal, it will be reviewed by the President who may follow up with any questions. 
  4. The grant will then be considered and voted on at a PTSA General Membership meeting.  The PTSA president will notify you via email afterward if the grant is approved. 
  5. The PTSA Treasurer will provide a check to the appropriate party upon presentation of an invoice. 

For any questions about the application process and approval, please reach out to