IM PTSA provides extensive assistance to Issaquah Middle School programs by supplying volunteers and financial support when needed for numerous school events. Brief descriptions of each of the school events appear below.

5th Grade Parent Night - Each spring, all parents of fifth-graders who will be attending IMS in the fall will attend 5th Grade Parent Night to learn about the transition to middle school. IM PTSA plans a refreshment table to welcome our next round of students and parents.

5th Grade Visit IMS: IM PTSA helps assist IMS staff as we welcome our incoming Panthers for their first visit to IMS in the spring prior to their 6th grade year.

8th Grade Field Trip/Graduation - PTSA volunteers provide lunch and chaperones for the annual 8th-grade field trip in June. In addition, this committee helps plan the 8th grade promotion supplying the graduates and their families with a reception following graduation.

ASB Activities - The Associated Student Body (ASB) IM PTSA works closely with the ASB students in planning and executing annual events like Bingo and the Multi Cultural Fair. It is a great opportunity for students to learn leadership skills and IM PTSA volunteers to see the amazing students we have at IMS!

ASB Fundraising - Every year, ASB hosts a school-wide fundraiser to fund extra-curricular activities such as school sports, clubs, music trips, drama, parties, and more. When needed, IM PTSA works closely with ASB to ensure the fundraiser is a success.

Monster Mash BINGO! - This annual event was re-invisioned in 2022. Our new Principal takes on his alter ego, "J-Zingo" and is the master of ceremonies as well as THE bingo caller extraordinaire. IMPTSA hosts this event with the help of ASB and NJHS students and an ARMY of volunteers! Dinner is a slice (or more!) of pizza, soda/water, AND some amazing baked goods all for sale. Speaking of baking, we added a BAKING CONTEST in 2023! Bring in YOUR best baked goods to be judged and later sold to the IMS Community. GREAT prizes including 2 GRAND PRIZES worth over $500 each.

PantherPalooza Family Night! - New in 2024 IMS has reinvented "Curriculum Night". Join your fellow panther families and enjoy dinner from one of our Food Trucks, visit with friends, and have your student show you their classrooms and meet their teachers in a fun, casual environment. 

The Arts at IMS - IM PTSA hosts the National PTA Reflections contest annually for students providing volunteers and financial support. The annual theme is set by national PTA. IM PTSA further supports the Arts at IMS by providing cookies and drinks for performances as well as volunteers to help set up and clean up. 

Panther Business Days - Approximately two weeks before school starts, Issaquah Middle School opens its doors for two days. Families and their Panther pick up their laptop, get their locker assignment and combination, and choose the right sizes of PE clothes. Originally names "Panther Days," this 2 day event relies on many parent volunteers to be successful. No experience is necessary! Parents who speak languages other than English are always needed and appreciated. 

Picture Day - PTSA volunteers help the school organize and operate the School Picture Day the first week of school. 

Vision & Hearing Screening - All 7th graders get their vision and hearing checked each October/November, and the PTSA provides a volunteer crew of ~20 parents to help. Typically a three-hour morning commitment for which no training is needed. This is a short and sweet way to help the school and students. We especially appreciate parent volunteers who speak languages outside of English to help all of our students through the process.

Welcome Back Panthers: This annual event was added in 2022 by the IM PTSA. On the day before school starts, all new incoming 6th graders are invited/encouraged to come to WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) supported by 8th grade WEB leaders. While the students are with WEB, IMPTSA hosts a FREE coffee, juice, snacks table for the parents to meet one another and ask IM PTSA any questions.